Friday, July 07, 2006

Hand-Wringer of the Day

The "Letter of the Day", courtesy of today's Star-Tribune:

I've heard it said that NASA is a gigantic welfare program for engineers, and I tend to agree.

While the pursuit of knowledge is always a worthy objective, I'm one of the people who can't think of one thing in the universe we'll discover that will do us any earthly good in the foreseeable future.

We have enough major challenges to address here on the ground, like developing clean energy sources and reversing global warming.

But hold the layoffs. Let's keep all those scientists gainfully employed by simply "repurposing" their brainpower and NASA's humongous budget to solve the most lethal and far-reaching problems we face today.

Space will be there for a long time. Our beautiful planet won't.

THOMAS MCNulty, Eden Prairie

Just exactly where is Earth going, Thomas... Planet Heaven? Is she planning to escape the heat by going to hang with Neptune for awhile?

Thomas needs something to take his mind off of NASA's bloated budget and our supposed looming global incineration. Maybe I'll send him one of #2's dinosaur books and an "Ice Age 2 The Meltdown" DVD to assuage his dread about Ma Earth's propensity to warm up or cool off occasionally.


Anonymous said...

I'm watching you, CKoz, I'm watching you.

Mamadala said...

Check out this web site - the first one I found on a basic search:
It lists many product and systems that we enjoy daily down here on earth as a direct result of the space program.
Must have been a slow day at the letters to the editor department of the Strib.

zokc said...

I'm fine with that, Al, as long as you bring Karenna along.

Sloanasaurus said...

We should impoversh ourselves so that if global warming does arrive, we won't have the technology to do anything about it. Better to feel good and go down with the ship then to feel bad and survive.

Wait, does that make sense?

zokc said...

15 years ago, Sloanasaurus, that would've made perfect sense to me.