Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Yesterday's Star Tribune editorial page featured the following mature, enlightening, nuanced cartoon from Tom Toles:

And in an interestingly poignant juxtaposition, this bit of trivia appeared on the opposite page in the same edition:

"In the early 1900s, when cities had multiple newspapers, an estimated 2,000 cartoonists were at work. Twenty years ago, close to 200 cartoonists still were employed. Today, the number is less than 80, according to the Association of American Editorial Cartoonists."
- Media Ethics, spring volume, 2006

Yet another one of those things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmmmm, courtesy of my favorite paper.


Eric said...

Growing up with Cindy's grandpa as our political cartoonist, I came to expect better. Even for a Democrat, this is too much.

Anonymous said...

brilliant of the Star Tribune. After all, environmentalism is their current best hope for the watermelons in our society to commit genocide on white males. Why wouldn't they keep pushing it.

Anonymous said...

This is why I only read the cartoonists on the funny pages--except for Doonesbury who should only be on the editorial page.
What a lousy paper we have.