Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The Mayors Make a Bet

Yesterday, the Minnesota Twins opened their playoff run against the Oakland A's. In keeping with tradition, Mayors RT Rybak and Jerry Brown have engaged in a friendly wager between their two cities.

I planned to parody this hackneyed act between two of the most laughable figures in politics (if the A's win, RT will give Jerry a yellow bike, a "US Out of My Uterus" t-shirt and a copy of "Running a City into the Ground for Dummies"; if the Twins win, Jerry gives RT a lock of Kathleen Soliah's armpit hair, a "The Only Bush I Trust is My Own" bumper sticker and a copy of "Idiot's Guide to Making an Unlivable Shithole Even Worse")...

However, truth is sometimes funnier than fiction. From today's Star Tribune:

"...If the Twins win, Brown has promised a bottle of wine, a box of Oakland's Serendipity Chocolate and a copy of Michael Lewis' book "Money Ball..."

(I was tempted to write "Money Shot", but that wouldn't be funny, would it?)

"..If the A's win, Rybak will give two tickets to the Guthrie Theater, a bag of Honeycrisp apples, a six-pack of Summit Beer and a pair of those fuzzy Joe Mauer sideburns."

These two deserve each other.

Global Warming Update - Twin Cities
10/3/06 Observed high temp - 77
10/3/05 Observed high temp - 85
10/3 Record high temp - 90 - 1997

1 comment:

Sloanasaurus said...

Excellent post. Maybe Rybak and Browne can compares whose city had the highest murder rate increase for the past year.