Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Maybe it was just hot?

No, this blog will not solely focus on the ongoing media war against those malevolent beasts. But this just in, from today's Star-Tribune:

Henderson, KY (AP) - The last of six people killed when a sport utility vehicle plunged into the Ohio River more than a week ago has been recovered.

They kill by land, they kill by sea...


Sloanasaurus said...

SUV's are also killing us by increasing global tempatures .012 degrees over the next hundred years. This increase will kill off the june bug causing a chain reaction of global proportions, which will eventually kill off the most valuable member of nature....the spotted owl.

okay.. okay, so it will only affect dirt poor countries with nasty dictators, but, were is the equality!

Eric said...

Don't forget about SUVs that kill by falling from the sky . . .