Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Pee Wee, Meteorologist

Without a doubt, the most grating Minneapolis media personality is meteorologist Paul Douglas.

For those reading this post who are not "one of us", I should explain that Minnesotans don't want someone to simply recite the day's events to them -- we want to be tucked into bed, given a cup of warm milk and softly hummed to sleep by our n
ewscasters. This is why, in the mid-'80s, our local NBC affiliate changed its call letters from WTCN to KARE (get it?).

KARE's production featured down-home, hug-a-bear cute anchorfolks and Paul Douglas, who fed this nauseating mush by pioneering the "Let's step out onto the patio and have a look" weathercast. Sure, he was creepily effeminate, but gol' darnit he was one of us and look -- he's outside!

Minnesotans devoured this tripe & catapulted KARE to perennial ratings dominance. Unsatisfied,
Paul seized on his saccharine celebrity and left us for the big bucks of WBBM Chicago, where he was slapped down like a Durham stripper and within months crawled back to the safety of "We Like it Here" Minneapolis.

He's as queer as ever (queer means many things, people), performing his schtik at another Minneapolis station, but the ass-pounding he received in the big time changed him. Yearning to be taken seriously, he has fervently adopted the Global Warming cause and incessantly proselytizes about upcoming environmental upheaval.

I don't monitor the tv ratings much, but I don't think we're buying into the New Paul. Minnesotans are suckers, but like the nation as a whole, we will not stand for our peculiar Pauls overstepping their bounds.


Sloanasaurus said...

Does he often site the so-called "consensus" taht humans are causing global warming?

Global warming is one of those issues that could eventually lead to the end of our democrcy. Global warming is based so much on junk science and fanataical principles that it is no different than religion - no different than the priest demanding humans change their behavior (and pay cash to the priest) to appease god before he kills us all.

If a majority of the voters are convinced about global warming and institute draconian measures to combat "warming caused by humans" which is complete fiction, the minority will never accept this decision because the facts use to make the decision are completely unreasonable and not grounded in the the liberalism that western civilization was founded on.

I would rather adopt Islam than adopt what will be the all time worst human catastrpohe - the religion of global warming. At least in Islam you get 72 virgins.

Eric said...

This is a really weird coincidence because Paul Douglas has been posting comments on my blog today. Do you think he's hitting on me?

zokc said...

It's not my place to speculate about someone's sexuality. What you do with Paul is your own business.

Ashley said...

I was going to tell my Paul Douglas story in your comments, but decided it needed a blog post of its own. Thanks for the inspiration.

Jill said...

The husband and I often have heated debates about the weathergirls in this town. Like you, I am not a fan of Doug. . .er, Paul. The real contention, however, is over Belinda. He thinks she's bitchy. I think she's fine. He prefers Janey over on Chanel 9. I think she's dorky - plus I just cannot endure Robyne Robinson.

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