First, from CNN:
"There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the shooting... Taliban insurgents have killed numerous government officials as part of their war against the government and foreign forces supporting it."Then, from Fox News:
"Two gunmen on a motorbike killed Safia Ahmed-jan outside her home Monday in apparent retribution for her efforts to help educate women, officials said...
Ahmed-jan was known for being an active proponent of women's rights in this former Taliban stronghold... In Kandahar alone, Ahmed-jan had opened six schools where almost 1,000 women learned how to bake and sell their goods at market. She had also opened tailoring schools for women, and clothes made there found their way to western markets...
...When the Taliban regime ran the country women were banned from schools and couldn't leave their homes without a male escort."
Global Warming Update - Twin Cities
9/24/06 Observed high temp - 65
9/24/05 Observed high temp - 67 ('06 two degrees colder than '05)
9/24 Record high temp - 89 - 1935
1 comment:
Typical of the left - the terrorist enablers.
For some reason the left is very supportive of liberal causes, except when such causes appear to hurt them. For example, regarding the mini series, Path to 9-11, the left was all for censurship.
Logically, leftist causes lead to tyranny because they don't take into account human nature. The only way socialism will work in a human society where enveryone has a different idea, is to force people at the point of gun to do what the state says is best. Ironically, most people on the left are okay with this as long as they (being the leaders of the movement) maintain their lavish lifestyles.
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