Thursday, September 28, 2006


As far as I can tell, the only benefit I derive from having a tv in our bedroom is that I get to catch a bit of the most mind-numbing mush available - the local and network news. The doodleheads they feature on these brainless programs reliably make me feel as though I've made it in life.

But enough about the news anchors...

As I emerged from the shower this morning, I saw that a bitter retiring Ohio teacher attempted to take "revenge" on her school by placing an ad in the yearbook that took the form of a caustic mock report card grading the students and administration. She was able to do this because she doubled as the yearbook advisor.

The story and video are here. When you watch the video, remember this was her immortalizing coup de grace, her final "Fuck You" to all the little shits and incompetent administrative busybodies that made her miserable for 35 years.

And she couldn't fucking spell "inconsistent" correctly. Plus, she, the yearbook advisor, placed her ad on the backside of a page memorializing two students killed that year. The school couldn't simply rip out the page, so they plan to sue her for the cost of reprinting 400+ yearbooks - around $20,000.

Now, she'll only be remembered as a moron.

Global Warming Update - Twin Cities
9/27/06 Observed high temp - 58
9/27/05 Observed high temp - 77
9/27 Record high temp - 88 - 1987

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