Tuesday, September 26, 2006

El Diablo!

I'm a sucker. If someone or something pesters me enough, I'm eventually breaking down and buyin' what they're sellin'.

This held true with Blogger Beta. Every time I logged in, this damned site begged me to upgrade to the Cialis of blogging services - bigger, harder, stronger, longer Blogger Beta. I, of course, dutifully complied and for God Sakes somebody help me!

The image upload rarely works, and when it does it's impossible to format. But what really drives me nucking futs is the that the fonts indiscriminately change on me. If I were more conspiracy-minded, I'd think the liberal fruitcakes that run Google are punkin' me.

Which gets me to the point of this post. Group-think, and the conspiracies it spawns, makes me nervous. This is why I left The Left long ago. But Group-think is not confined to that side of the aisle. When every solitary soul in a room parrots the identical lines, I feel uneasy, regardless the political leanings.

For instance, although I vote Republican, I became quite jittery attending a Bush rally in my town last year. And when I read yesterday that Jerry Falwell proclaimed that Hillary Clinton running as the Democratic presidential nominee in '08 would motivate Evangelical Christians to oppose her more than if the devil himself were running, I became queasy.

I never understood the Clinton hatred. And although Bill's embarassingly childish tirade on Sunday nudged me in that direction, Clinton Haters have made my list of Group-thinking Vehicle Nazis.

Global Warming Update - Twin Cities
9/25/06 Observed high temp - 66
9/25/05 Observed high temp - 66 (Earth is taking 'er easy.)
9/25 Record high temp - 91 - 1920


Eric said...

Hey, what happened here? For some reason, my Bloglines wasn't updating me on your recent posts. I think the whole Blogger Beta conversion is behind this. Just something else to support the conspiracy theory. Undoubtedly, you just converted to shake all my family members from your site, since they are also Blogline devotees.

Anyway, it looks like you've been busy. As for this particular post, you never cease to surprise me. I didn't realize there was a political issue left that we could agree on. Uneasiness with Clinton-haters is one.

Jill said...

Well, I'll agree with this. I hate it when people can't think for themselves and insist on following the party line all the time. Lord, common sense ought to trump allegiance to Democrats and Republicans. But it doesn't. I also can't stand extremists on either side. My motto is "use your own brain and don't be a nutjob."

Beta does suck. I miss the line of SUVs on your blog.