Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Too Sexy for his Meat

Call me curious, masochistic, or just plain stupid, but I like to expose myself to a wide range of leftie thought. Daily Kos, Democratic Underground, MoveOn, International ANSWER... I love to poke around assorted websites just to remind myself of how certifiable I used to be.

One site on my list is PETA. When Al Gore first invented the internet, this URL was dedicated to People Eating Tasty Animals. It was a highly entertaining site that simply provided links to various meat & hide-producing associations like the Texas Cattlemen and featured the howling emails from dismayed vegans searching for their cyberhome. Very funny.

The URL now resides in the caring hands of the "real" PETA, where they promote silly acts of defiance like this.

Today I noticed a list of the World's Sexiest Vegetarians. Check it out. To be honest with you, I don't know who the hell most of these people are. But if the Veggies are pinning their recruitment hopes on the likes (or looks) of Chelsea Clinton, Grace Slick, Boy George and Leonard Nimoy, the movement is definitely in trouble.

Personally, my favorite is someone I wouldn't even nominate for the World's Sexiest Bespectacled, Curly-Haired, Mustachioed Performer of '80's Parody Songs. Yikes.


Jill said...

I also like to poke around websites to check out how certifiable my friends are. There's this one - something about Nazis and their big cars.

AND, just curious, did I make that vegetarian list?

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Nazis, wasn't Adolf a vegaterian? Did he refuse to eat meat because he felt bad for the animals... how odd considering his view towards humanity. Wait a minute.. It sounds a lot like a lot of PETA members

zokc said...

MM - I thought I'd hear from you! Unfortunately no, you did not make the list. But I'd certainly vote for you over Joan Jett.

SS - Stop it with the hyperbole. Oh, wait, PETA did run some ads equating the slaughter of chickens with the Nazi purification campaign... Sorry.

The Strongman said...

I saw that there is a Michael Bolton on the list. Is that Michael Bolton the singer? I really love his music.

the mystic said...

Hilarious! I didn't know Prince is a vegan, but I guess that explains why he only weighs 52 pounds. I can't believe anyone thinks he's remotely sexy.