Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Comment Moderation

I'm sure you've noticed by the tragic state of my blog that I'm no technophile. On the blogway, I'm that old guy creeping along in the left lane, forehead barely visible above the dashboard that you want to flip off & hurl your slushie at.

Anyway, I think sometime in the past week I clicked the "Enable Comment Moderation" button on my Dashboard. My motivation? I dunno - maybe I subsonsciously wanted the final word on the stadium matter. Maybe I thought it was a magic tool that would spontaneously transform my readers' extremist positions into reasoned thought. And maybe I just thought the orange dot was pretty so I clicked on it...

Regardless, thanks to Sloanasaurus for alerting me to this matter. My apologies to anyone who attempted to post a comment this past week.

And thank you, Cynthia McKinney, for ruling out one possible use of the Comment Moderation tool (turning fringe diatribes into reasoned thought). I didn't realize you held such strong opinions on the Twins stadium.


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