Monday, May 01, 2006

So what you're really trying to say is...

From the Star Tribune editorial page today, this headline:

"Martin Sampson: Iran's Confusing Threat to Israel"

Mr. Sampson is an associate professor of Political Science at the University of Minnesota. He doesn't actually reference a specific threat in his column, but I assume that he's referring to this head-scratcher from Iranian president Mahmoud AhmadRashadinejad:

Washington Post, October 2005: "There is no doubt that the new wave in Palestine will soon wipe off this disgraceful blot from the face of the Islamic world. Israel should be wiped off the map."

Perplexing, to be sure. But I also haven't a clue what Jack Nicholson means when he states, "Darling. Light of my life. I'm not gonna hurt ya... I'm just gonna bash your brains in. I'm gonna bash 'em right the fuck in. Ha ha ha..."

And to think I attained this level of intellectual sophistication with a mere Bachelor's degree.


Eric said...

It seems like you're doing a bit of reading between the lines here, Mr. CKoz. When he says "disgraceful blot," do you really think he means it in a negative way? And "wiped off the map" can be interpreted several different ways. Do you really think you have the one true interpretation? Personally, I'm still confused.

Anonymous said...

Hey, CKoz, why are you doing this to me? I now have another blog to add to my list of favorites. Congratulations. Yours is the first non-family blog to make the list!
Having 2 SUVs in the garage in my suburban home should make me a regular reader for sure. I read all your blogs from most recent to first before I could figure out what your blog name meant!

Sloanasaurus said...

I think Iran's president is pretty clear. He wants war. China and Russia are glad to have him. He serves as a check on American Power.

More interesting are comments from China and Russia j(umping on the band wagon) blaming us for global warming. What better way to defeat us in the economic arena than to get us to stab ourselves.

China and Russia are not our friends. That is okay. However, we need to make sure that China and Russia don't become friends.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why religions are so enamored of places. Places are just piles of dirt and rocks. Maybe a few trees. The strength of religious belief is derived from ideas and faith. No one is going to heaven because of a place; Christians,Jews or Muslims. I think the Jews should declare Antartica as the center of their religious belief and beg Iran not to bomb it. Sort of like a Brer Rabbit thing. "Please,please don't bomb dat dere Antartica" Maybe it would divert attention away from Jerusalem.. and give things a chance to cool off. Pun intended. And if Iran did bomb it..who cares.. it's all going to melt anyway.

zokc said...

Great idea, patriarch. But you'd have a new scrap on your hands with another religion - the Greenies. Penguins are people too, you know.