#1’s birthday falls in the middle of summer. When he turned 7 two years ago, we took three of his cousins (at the time 13, 11 and 5, all boys) and his brother to Valleyfair. My retired uncle even flew in from
It was terribly hot that day – over 100 and humid. When we weren’t at the water park, I spent much of the day hitting the bigger rollercoasters with the older boys.
Nope. At the risk of sounding like a hetero Mark Foley, or, worse yet, Democrat Perv Gerry Studds, my most vivid memories are of what members of the fairer sex wore. Every female, from 13 to 30, dressed like they were hitting an afterbar at Hedonism II. It was so surreal – armies of Britney/Paris aspirants roaming a family amusement park in trashy halter tops and microminis...
Girls Gone Wild/Six Flags.
So what does this have to do with this post’s headline? Well, today I read that the Department of Education announced rules that will make it easier to create single-sex classrooms or entire same-sex schools.
It was bad enough in my day to focus on the chalkboard when the girls wore polo shirts and walking shorts... I can’t prove this, but I bet boys started becoming dumbshits when it became ok for girls to dress like hookers.
This announcement is a step in the right direction.
Global Warming Update - Twin Cities
10/24/06 Observed high temp - 45
10/24/05 Observed high temp - 45
10/24 Record high temp - 80 - 1989
For some reason, this songfrom The Kinks came to mind when I read this post. I don't know why.
Oddly, teen boys' clothing grew much looser, just as girls' clothing became tighter. I guess there is only so much fabric to go around.
Edina has been experimenting with same-sex classrooms for awhile now.
Wait, girls don't dress like hookers to be looked at by men; they do it for personal feminist freedom.
Get it right.
Also, didn't kids start wearing baggy pants to emulate criminals in prison? What a great culture we have.
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