Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Human relations puzzler of the day

There's probably a better way to put this, but here goes:

Is an insult truly an insult if what was taken as an insult a purely unintentional act?


Jill said...

No, but it still requires clarification for the person unintentionally insulted.

Now go apologize to Pretty.

zokc said...

Am I that transparent?!?!

Funny. However, this really has nothing to do with Pretty. For once.

Sloanasaurus said...

I agree with Mama...unless of course it is Pretty, then you should just flat out apologize. If not for that then for all the other things you have done.

zokc said...

HHHMMMMMMMMM... A blanket apology for all of the things I've done...

Isn't that officially called Confession?

Sloanasaurus said...

Well not really. Because God, being a rational being, does not require an apology for many of the things you may have done that someone more mortal may interpret as requiring an apology.

zokc said...

Lighten up, SS.

Sloanasaurus said...

Don't be too serious ck.

zokc said...

And no, this post is not a vague reference to our local PBS affiliate pulling "Keeping up Appearances" the very day I wrote about it.

Did I find that insulting? Yes. But was it actually an insult? Probably not. It was most likely a business decision based on the fact that I was the only loser watching the show.